Meet the industry

Grow your network!

Connect with the right people & develop your business.

Whatever projects you have, the Marché du Film helps you match the right people, organize your meetings, provides you with various work spaces adapted to your needs and gives you tools to keep in touch with your contacts after the event.

Face-to-face meetings can be the spark to ignite unlikely collaborations or the final missing link to take projects to the next level: when it comes to the film industry, there’s nothing like the Marché du Film.

The #1 Film Business Event in the World

The Marché du Film is the film industry’s biggest annual get-together for over 14,000 professionals from around the world.

Producers, distributors, sales agents, festival representatives, film institutions, buyers, financiers… the whole industry is represented and brought together to meet, share ideas and make deals.

At the heart of the world’s most prestigious film festival, the Marché du Film is a key global event for the world of cinema and ranks as the leading film market for deals.

More than 200 Events

Celebrate cinema during the Marché du Film! Explore projects and works-in-progress during pitching sessions and enjoy exclusive films from the Festival de Cannes Official Selection & parallel sections.

Connect with people at networking events such as thematic speed meetings, workshops or even cocktails!

Discover emerging trends through conferences and panels led by inspiring leaders from all over the world…

Spot Opportunities beyond Borders

Stop by the Village International and discover more than 80 countries represented in around 60 pavilions!

Grab this opportunity to find film locations you hadn’t thought of before, learn more about tax rebates, find out more about national institutions…

Why Attend?

“Our participation in Frontières and the Marché du Film, with our film “Jesus shows you the way to the highway” allowed us to find the resources and key partners to be able to complete the film within reasonable timelines.

Frontières is an excellent platform for genre filmmaking that validates your work and exposes you to the industry and the Marché du Film is the perfect environment to find partners for any stage of a film.

Sergio Uguet de Resayre

Producer – Lanzadera Films


Open the doors to the global film industry!