SATURDAY 18 MAY 11:30 (1h30) Doc Corner Screening Room Advanced signing up required at, with priority to festival programmers and sales agents.
FIDBA, International Documentary Film Festival of Buenos Aires, is the only festival dedicated to documentary films in Argentina. This year, FIDBA presents four films in work in progress with a diversity of forms and original visual language. Two of these projects were part of INCUBADORA, the INCAA program for the development of documentaries whose first stage is carried out in the FIDBA Industry area. The other two have been winners of the FIDBA WIP, the first cuts laboratory and FIDBA DOCLAB. FIDBA will take place from September 2 to 11, 2019.
GURU, THE MOVIE (Guru, la película)
Directed by: Paula SCHARGORODSKY
Produced by: Paula SCHARGORODSKY, Victoria COMUNE, Carolina BENEVIDES, Marianna BRENNAND FORTES (Dream Big Pictures, Inquietude)
Countries of production: Argentina, Brazil
Completed in: September 2020
Contact: Paula SCHARGORODSKY paula@dreambigpics .com
Who is the man behind the ultimate pop guru of the century? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar mediates between presidents and guerrillas, twits, jumps onstage like a rock star, and has millions of followers . Some people see him as the new Gandhi, but others think he is just smoke and mirrors . Paula, an argentine filmmaker, chases him across more than 60 cities around the globe . This guru is a riddle she has the urge to resolve .
SLEEPING LIFE (La vida dormida)
Directed by: Natalia LABAKÉ
Produced by: Mariana LUCONI, Agustin BURGHI (PROTON Cine)
Country of production: Argentina
Completed in: October 2019
Contact: Natalia LABAKÉ natalialabake@gmail .com
Agustina and Bibiana want to free themselves from a muted karma . Their family is led by a former Menemist politician . His wife videotaped his political life since the 90s . During those years, the main characters were mere witnesses of a reality that excluded them . In the present the camera turns towards them .
NIETZSCHE’S DOCTORS (Los médicos de Nietzsche)
Directed by: Jorge Leandro COLÁS
Produced by: Carolina Mariana FERNÁNDEZ (Salamanca Cine)
Country of production: Argentina Completed in: November 2019
Contact: Jorge Leandro COLÁS
Doctor Rubinstein approaches General Medicine from a non-moral outlook . Based on Nietzsche’s philosophy, he inquires into his patients from a point of view that leaves good and evil aside . The documentary closely records the emergence of this new and controversial theory .
THE CARETAKER (Cuidadoras)
Directed by: Gabriela UASSOUF, Martina MATZKIN
Country of production: Argentina
Completed in: May 2020
Contact: Rocio PICHIRILI ropichirili@gronchoestudio .com
Three Transsexual women work as caregivers in a nursing home for the elderly in Argentina . The residents’ daily life tends to be a long wait towards death . Their new caregivers challenge them to live rather than to survive . Freedom, memory, unforgotten dreams, shape this bond, mediated by tenderness, trust and empathy .