Original title: Jag har ett ansikte för att bli älskad
Directed by: Angelica Ruffier
Produced by: Brynhildur Þórarinsdóttir, Marta Dauliūtė (MDEMC, Sweden)
Country of production: Sweden
Runtime: 80'
Expected release: February, 2026
Production stage: Development
Budget: €417 000 (19% in place)
1st feature: Yes
Looking for: Festivals, Sales Agents, Distributors, Buyers, Co-Producers
While emptying her childhood home after her estranged father’s death, Angelica recalls a fierce and solitary love she had for her history teacher, Miss S. As her list of duties never seems to diminish, an intense desire grows in Angelica: to meet her again.
Director’s profile:
Angelica Ruffier is a screenwriter, director, and documentary filmmaker, born in Luleå Sweden, raised in France and living in Sweden since 2017. Angelica holds a master’s degree in documentary film direction from Stockholm University of the Arts (2021-23) and has also completed the documentary program at Biskops Arnö Folk High School (2017-18). She also possesses a degree in graphic design from École Supérieure d’Art et Design Grenoble-Valence in France (2010-13). Angelica has directed, edited, and produced the short films “From Here and Back Again” (2019), “Stranger” (2020), and “People at the Recycling Market ” (2023). Since 2019, she has been developing the documentary “The Strikers” in collaboration with Helena Molin and Olga Ruin, as well as the documentary “A Face to Be Loved,” both under the production company MDEMC.
Producer’s profile:
Brynhildur Þórarinsdóttir (born in Iceland 1991) holds a bachelor’s degree in film studies from Stockholm University and a master’s degree in film production from Stockholm University of the Arts. She has produced the shorts “Babes Roll Out” (2017), “Real Mother” (2018), and “Donkeyland” (2023), and also worked as a production manager in the film and TV industry. She is currently serving as an associate producer at the Swedish production company Garagefilm International.
Marta Dauliūtė (born and raised in Lithuania 1984) holds a master’s degree in film directing and production from the Valand Academy. Since 2010, she has been co-running the production company MDEMC and has directed and produced several films that have been screened at Hot Docs, DOK Leipzig, Kasseler Dokfest, Transmediale and Thessaloniki IFF amongst other. She has also been working as an intimacy coordinator since 2020.