14:30 1h15
Marché du Film Online
Directed by: Alicia Cano
Produced by: Agustina Chiarino (Mutante Cine, Uruguay), Giorgio Ferrero, Federico Biasin (Mybosswas, Italy)
Country of production: Uruguay, Italy
Runtime: 80'
Expected release: Second semester 2020
Budget: USD 249,267 (78,4% in place)
Looking for: Festival programmers, distributors and sales agents
Bosco is a forestial village of 13 inhabitants that is slowly returning to its natural state. On the other side of the ocean Orlando, with 103 years, pushes us on a journey that becomes a fable about the memory of those landscapes that exist beyond time and reality. Filmed over 13 years, this film places us in a timeless limbo and explores what remains when everything seems fated to disappear.
Director’s profile:
Alicia Cano Menoni (Uruguay/Italy). Documentary Filmmaker.
She holds a BA in Communication Studies from University of the Republic (Montevideo, Uruguay) and an MFA in Audiovisual from Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy). In Milan she discovered her passion for documentary filmmaking. Her first feature film “The Bella Vista” (2012) was in competition in Karlovy Vary IFF, San Sebastian IFF, among more than 40 film festivals around the world, being awarded on several occasions. Her second film “Madness on air” (co-director, 2018) participated in many human rights film festivals.
She has written and directed for television in Italy and Uruguay. She has also directed “The Thread” for the Why Poverty project, among other short films. Her work reveals the relation she sustains with the world. Her subjects are the people, places and the emotions that arise from this conversation.