FRIDAY 17 MAY 2019
Palais -1, Aisle 14
Category: 360 Focused Showcase
Presented by: NowHere
Produced by: Felix GAEDTKE (NowHere Media) - Germany
Genre: Documentary, Social issues
Language: Kusunda
Format: 6 DoF
Original title: Kusunda
Lead artist: Gayatri PARAMESWARAN, Felix GAEDTKE
Main cast: Gyani MAIYA SEN
Projected budget: $ 190,000
Budget in place: $ 10,000
Projected production date: January 2020
Pitched by: Gayatri PARAMESWARAN - gayatri@nowheremedia.net
In the documentary VR experience KUSUNDA, you explore the memoirs of Gyani Maiya Sen, the last speaker of an indigenous language and an activist who strives to keep her mother tongue alive. Using your voice to speak in Kusunda, you trigger interactive journeys into Gyani Maiya’s past and learn about a unique language and culture. Gyani Maiya will be filmed using volumetric capture and her memories will be represented by dreamy animations, which are at times blurry and at times vivid. A language falls silent every 15 days. KUSUNDA is a case study for how these languages and traditions may find a safe vault for future generations.