Cannes Docs

16:15 1h15


Marché du Film Online


Original title: Suerte de pinos

Directed by: Lorena Munoz

Produced by: Paula Zyngierman, Leandro Listorti (Maravillacine, Argentina)

Country of production: Argentina, España

Runtime: 90'

Expected release: September 2022

Budget: € 220,000 (30% in place)

Looking for: Co production for shooting in Spain, distribution and international sales


Pine forest. A Spanish town stopped in time. A traditional, masculine ritual celebrated for years. A femicide happened there. The director returns to the Spanish town of her great-grandparents to inquire about a story that has always eluded her and is now beginning to unveil. A dark family secret that was kept for a long time: that of « The house of Spain ».

Director’s profile: 

Director, screenwriter, teacher and producer. In 2003 she wrote and co directed the documentary feature YO NO SE QUE ME HAN HECHO TUS OJOS / I Don’t Know What your Eyes Have Done to Me (Condor de Plata Award, BAFICI Festival). In 2006 she wrote and directed the documentary feature LOS PROXIMOS PASADOS / Next to be Gone (FIPRESCI Award at BAFICI), and in 2008 the fiction short film Fotogramas. In 2013 she directed the documentary feature Vinicius en la Fusa. In 2016 she wrote, directed and produced the feature film I’M GILDA (Condor de Plata Award, Malaga Film Festival) and in 2018 she wrote and directed the feature film EL POTRO, UNSTOPPABLE; both films turned into theatrical box office successes in Argentina. She also scripted, directed and produced several educational series for the Ministry of Education and for Public Television, such as RECOVERED MOVIES and I AM FROM THE PEOPLE.