
Cannes XR Development Showcase –
in association with Kaleidoscope


Genre: Environmental, Memory

Format: 6 DoF, Ambisonic, Exhibition, Installation, Location based

Produced by: Pernickety Split

Language: N/A

Team: Ben Joseph Andrews (Director), Emma Roberts (Producer), Lachlan Sleight (Lead Developer)

Runtime: 25 minutes

Projected production date: July 2020

Budget in place: $100,000

Projected budget: $120,000

Country: AU

Gondwana is a durational VR installation that absorbs audiences into the operatic flux of the Daintree: the world’s oldest rainforest. Set to a perpetually-evolving 10-minute cycle — the life of a phenomenal wet season storm — Gondwana travels through time from the present until 2085, mapping the incredible past and projected future of this extraordinary rainforest across a day of exhibition. Like the rainforest itself, Gondwana is not a linear experience but a generative system that is living, breathing and changing. No two cycles are the same spatially, temporally, or experientially. The project is supported by Screen Australia, Film Victoria, Greenpeace, the Wet Tropics Management Authority and Rainforest Rescue. Gondwana is a unique, multi-sensory experience that asks audiences to come together to see the world not as humans but on the timescale of the forest: where seconds feel like centuries and centuries like seconds.


Play area: Seated, Multi-player

Number of players: Local Co-op, 2-10

Built with: Unity, Tilt Brush, Leap Motion

Compatibility: Vive Pro, Vive, Oculus Rift S

Distribution: Festivals, LBE, Galleries, Art Exhibition