Leaving Jesus
Leaving Jesus
Original title: Leaving Jesus
Directed by: Ellen Fiske
Produced by: Michael Krotkiewski, David Herdies (Momento Film, Sweden)
Country of production: Sweden, Denmark, Norway
Runtime: 88'
Expected release: May, 2023
Production stage: Production
Budget: € 651,240 (80 % in place)
1st feature: No
Looking for: Prebuys, Sales Agents, Distributors, financiers, festivals
A group Christian ex-fundamentalists gather at Journey Free retreat in San Fransisco. Lost and with traumatic experiences they attempt to free themselves from their fundamental communities that they were born into. But how do one find meaning, identity and a moral compass in our frantic world, while at the same time having to question your closest friends and the truths you once took for granted?
Director’s profile:
Ellen Fiske studied documentary filmmaking at Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts. Fiske’s feature doc, Scheme Birds won Best Documentary Feature and Best New Documentary Director award at Tribeca in 2019. Her latest feature doc Josefin & Florin received a Guldbagge for Best Editing at the ”Swedish BAFTA’s” and won the prestigious Prix Europa Iris award in 2020.
Producers’s profile:
Michael Krotkiewski born in 1980 in Sweden, is a director, tutor, producer and co-owner of Momento Film. As a producer Michael has produced and coproduced several fiction and documentary films and some of his latest releases include; Amparo by Simon Mesa Soto (won the Rising Star Award at Semaine de la Critique in Cannes 2021, Yung Lean: In My Head by Henrik Burman (competed at Tribeca FF 2020, theatrical release in over 113 cinemas worldwide, sold to VICE), Transnistra by Anna Eborn (won the Big Screen Competition at Rotterdam IFF, the Dragon Award for best Nordic Documentary at Gothenburg IFF and The Swedish Guldbagge Award for Best Documentary in 2019). Michael has a diploma from Stockholm Academy Of Dramatic Arts, EURODOC and EAVE.