Marco & Polo Go Round


Marco & Polo Go Round

Genre: Animation, Comedy, Romance

Produced by: Audrey Pacart, Paul-E. Audet, Pierre Even, Alain-Gilles Viellevoye, Item 7, Belga Productions

Directed by: Benjamin Steiger Levine

Original title: Marco & Polo Go Round

Lead artist: Benjamin Steiger Levine

Runtime: 12min

Language: English, French

Completed in: 2021


On the morning of his birthday, Marco discovers the cake Polo has lovingly made and left for him on the kitchen table. He also notices that every object in the kitchen has been battened down with tape and twine as if to safeguard against an oncoming storm. What begins as a beautiful morning for the young couple takes a surreal turn when their world literally falls apart around them.

Director’s statement:

For years, images of a sun-drenched kitchen slowly coming apart as gravity mysteriously turned on its head kept playing through my mind. I began to realize the kitchen in my mind looked a lot like the one I shared with my first girlfriend, a person who I loved in ways that were not realistic and who ultimately broke my heart. And so, Marco and Polo’s adventure was born, inspired by intimate lived experiences that play out in a world where gravity is coming apart.
To explore the beauty, mystery, heartache of love in the context of a dreamlike, visceral, action sequence seemed unique to me. My hope is that Marco & Polo Go Round introduces adult audiences to VR content that is a physical thrill ride as well as emotionally honest and fulfilling.

Origin: Canada, Belgium

Plateform: Not Available