
Cannes XR Development Showcase –
in association with Kaleidoscope


Genre: Animation, Documentary, Educational, Environmental, Social issues

Format: 3 DoF, 6 DoF, Video 360°

Produced by: D-Fuse, Son&Heir, AnythingEverything

Language: English

Team: Mike Faulkner (director), Dilly Gent (Executive Producer), Mehrad Noori (Executive Producer), Novelab (developers)

Runtime: 10-20 minutes

Projected production date: October 2020

Budget in place: $0

Projected budget: $500,000

Country: UK, US

Powers of X (and the Relative Impact of Things in the Ecoverse) is an immersive film exploring our planet’s environmental fragility relative to the effects of global consumption and man-made climate breakdown. It is inspired by Charles and Ray Eames’ film, Powers of Ten and the Relative Size of Things in the Universe, which merged design, technology, and media to convey impossibly large and small objects in an accessible way to audiences. Similarly, POWERS OF X utilizes VR and thoughtful design in order to visualize the invisible impacts which threaten our planet today.


Play area: Free Roam, Room Scale, Seated

Number of players: Single-player

Built with: TBD

Compatibility: Oculus Quest, Mobile AR

Distribution: Festivals, Installations, Events