
Cannes XR Development Showcase –
in association with Kaleidoscope


Genre: Animation, Drama, Memory, Psychological, War

Format: 6 DoF

Produced by: StudioBento

Language: English

Team: Lester Francois (Producer), Anna Brady (Director)

Runtime: 2 minutes

Projected production date: 01/07/2021

Budget in place: $20,000

Projected budget: $150,000

Country: AU

Enter the mind of Felix, a shell-shocked World War I veteran, to find the source of his repressed trauma in this interactive fiction VR experience. As we journey through Felix’s mind we find portals to his memories, going deep inside his disturbed mind, until we discover the shocking event that lies hidden deep within him. Inspired by the film The Cabinet of Dr Calagari, Remembrance is animated with a warped German Expressionist style, echoing the state of Felix’s troubled mind.


Play area: Room Scale, Standing, Seated

Number of players: Single-player

Built with: Unity

Compatibility: Intended for HTC Vive

Distribution: Vr Cinemas, Viveport, Venice, Cannes, Sxsw, Tribeca, Sundance, Installations, Apple App Store, Playstation Store, Steam Vr, Oculus Store, Museums, Galleries, Film Festivals, International Festivals, Iconic Engine, Culture & Art Venues