
Cannes XR Development Showcase –
in association with Kaleidoscope


Genre: Action/Adventure, Crime, Drama

Format: Stereoscopic 360

Produced by: VeeR

Language: English

Team: Armando Kirwin and Weston Gaylord (Created by), Jingshu Chen (Executive Producer)

Runtime: 15 minutes

Projected production date: TBD

Budget in place: $100,000

Projected budget: $150,000

Country: US

Nothing is Safe is a heist film designed specifically for immersive 360 video. The film features all the action, deception, technology, and suspense of a traditional heist film. The audience takes the role of a high-tech flying robot who helps two young thieves break into a luxury mansion to steal a mysterious device. The audience sees what the robot sees, sometimes in full 360-degree video view, and other times via a high-tech interface that surrounds them with 3D animation and traditional video.


Play area: Seated

Number of players: Cinema 360

Built with: Unkown 360 Camera

Compatibility: Vive, Samsung Gear Vr, Oculus Rift, Oculus Go

Distribution: VeeR