Original title: Si vas para Chile
Directed by: Amilcar Infante, Sebastián González M.
Produced by: Sebastián González M. (Amilcar Films, Chile)
Country of production: Chile
Runtime: 80'
Expected release: March, 2024
Production stage: Editing, Post-production
Budget: €280 000 (68% in place)
1st feature: Yes
Looking for: Festivals, Sales Agents, Co-Producers, Gap Financing, Strategic Guidance
Traversing the majestic Andean Highlands, Atacama Desert, and Coastal Cliffs, Unwelcomed unveils the harsh reality of the Venezuelan migration crisis in Latin America, alongside the cultural clash and radicalization in northern Chile. Through a choral narrative, contrasting perspectives, and an evocative exploration, the film sheds light on universal challenges posed by this social phenomenon.
Director’s profile:
Amilcar Infante, graduated from Bande À Part School in Barcelona, Director and Founder of Amilcar Films, has written and directed several music videos, short films and video content for different organizations. He is currently preparing his debut feature film ‘Unwelcomed’, while also developing the documentary ‘Nipon Takes’, the documentary series ‘Photos; A Dialogue Between Past and Present’, and co-producing ‘Julio Escamez, Beginning and End’. His directorial credits include ‘Soterrament’ (2017, short documentary), ‘Este Lugar’ (2016, short fiction), ‘Taxista Libre’ (2015, short fiction).
Producer’s profile:
Sebastián González M., graduated in Business and Economics with a Diploma in Executive Production for Film and TV, Sebastián has worked in various production roles for Tercermundo, Glaciar Films, and other national companies, developing different formats such as TV series, webseries, short films and videoclips. He is currently the executive director of Amilcar Films, working in the post production of ‘Unwelcomed’ his first feature documentary, and the distribution of two short films directed and produced by him in 2023. His credits include ‘Consagración’ (2023, short fiction), ‘No lo mires’ (2023, short fiction), ‘Nuevo Mundo; Pintura callejera en America Latina’ (2020, TV series, asst. producer).