Lérins Cinema

Book a screening room in the heart of the Lérins!

The Lérins screenings rooms are located in the centre of the Marché du Film, making them easily accessible to buyers and festival programmers.

They feature 4 screenings rooms of 63 seats each.

Category Seats Sound Screen Size Price
Lérins 1 Cinema 63 7.1 6.25 x 2.85 1 176 €
Lérins 2 Cinema 63 7.1 6.25 x 2.85 1 176 €
Lérins 3 Cinema 63 7.1 6.25 x 2.85 1 176 €
Lérins 4 Cinema 63 7.1 6.25 x 2.85 1 176 €